Starters & Salads
10 € à 22 €
Mixed salads
Homemade Pâté and mixed salads
Homemade duck foie gas in red wine and spices
Munster cheese fritters flavoured with beer and caraway, green salad
"Emmebuckel" Salad (homemade foie gras, ham, Swiss cheese)
Snails Alsatian style homemade
Beef back steak, garlic, homemade french fries
Roasted coquerel (boneless) marinated in thyme and olive oil
Veal cordon bleu crumbed, cream sauce, homemade French fries
"Highland Burger", onion confit & Alsatian cheese,homemade French fries
Risotto with mushrooms and fried duck liver, Apicius sauce
Sauerkraut "Alsatian style" (5 pork pieces : meat and sausages)
Fish of the day
and our propositions of the day
Children's Menu (- 12 years-old)
17 €
100 % homemade burger & french fries
Ketchup or mayonnaise
Ice-cream cornet one scoop
Cheese & desserts
2,70 € à 11,50 €
Munster cheese, caraway
Warm apple pie with caramel sauce, vanilla ice-cream
Creme brulee with Jamaican Pepper
Warm chocolate delight, vanilla ice-cream
Homemade meringue, ice-cream and whipped cream
Sorbet with brandy
Mixed desserts plate